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ERA 170 Passage Knob Sets with Integral Adjustable Latches 60/70mm
The ERA Range of Door Knob Sets consist of Entrance, Privacy, Passage and Dummy functions, which are designed to meet all customer requirements.
The ERA Passage Door Knob is suitable for internal doors and as it is a non-locking knob set, it allows free access at all times.
Easy to install, each set is supplied with fitting instructions and templates.
Tubular latches are adjustable to either 60mm or 70mm.
The locks available in this range can be used in different environments, which means they are suitable for both commercial and domestic applications.
170-31 - Polished Brass
170-51 - Satin Chrome
170-61 - Polished Chrome
Product Code: R0217031
Qty | Price | Per |
1 | 19.12 exc. VAT | SET |
3 | 17.21 exc. VAT | SET |
5 | 16.25 exc. VAT | SET |
10 | 15.30 exc. VAT | SET |
20 | 14.34 exc. VAT | SET |
40 | 13.38 exc. VAT | SET |
All prices are subject to VAT